Organizations Generate Perspectives ...

Time to Broaden your View?

Norway 2019. Photo by Cees Hoogendijk

Generating Business for Future Betterness

I can be your:

Thinking Partner
Positive Change Facilitator
Learning Architect
Process Revitalizer
Sometime Professor in
Business for Betterness
Writer & Speaker
Creative Disruptor
Professional Friend

Shall we meet and explore?

“Being 35 years in organizational change and development, I have witnessed that a fulfilling job coincides with high performance. Easier said than done, always rewarding. Humanization is my mission, generativity my expertise,
subtle disruption one of my qualities. Every organization houses like-minded professionals who want all stakeholders to flourish. Does this resonate?
Let us explore the options for a performative and future-formin
g co-creation.”

Cees J. Hoogendijk

Organizational Perspectivist

what future focused leaders already do

Seven Future-forming Practices for
Flourishing Stakeholders

pathways to exceed the extraordinary

Betterness Practice #1

Appreciative Inquiry


The Appreciative Inquiry Pocket Guide
Selfstudy made quick and easy. Click here.


IDEIA E-learning Academy (EN-ES) & AI Magazines (EN-NL)

Personal and In-company Training, Workshops, Whole System Change

Strength Based Development
Diversity and Inclusion in Action

What is the best possible future we can create together? Imagine we would shape our world to our own advantage. That requires a new way of doing things. Appreciative Inquiry starts with discovering our strengths. It includes a growth mindset philosophy, a conversation practice and an organizational change method that discovers, empowers and converts the potential of people and institutions into constructive action. Appreciative Inquiry distinguishes itself from the classic problem oriented approach by paying attention to what works well and by building upon the abundance of possibilities.

Understanding Processes From Within
Improving Processes on the Boundaries

New organizing; it is a downright hype. The old piramyd is being flattened into a pancake? Successful organizations do not consist of managers who lead people, but of people who lead work processes. The better these people understand their processes, the easier it becomes to improve as a natural habit. In most organizations, the word ‘process’ seems to be reserved for a few specialists. Imagine all players assuming process responsibility. Then your organization really gets into flow. With the right understanding and practice – no rocket science – anyone can become a process manager.

Betterness Practice #2

Performative Processes


Process model, practices and training manual. Click for NL, EN, or ES version


Serious Simulation Game
The Management Challenge

Workshops, Training, Consulting, MD, Management Events

Betterness Practice #3

Connected Leadership


Do now the CLMirror Free Scan and get your Prsonal Profile

Expert report, Workshops, Team Analysis, Branded Version, Organizational Leadership Scan

Leadership = Collectively Producing Organization

A Connective Leader – considers organization as a focused and inclusive wholeness of people and activities – is convinced about the correlation between ‘convenient working’ and ‘well performing’ and acts accordingly – practises vertical dialogue and  horizontal cooperation and recommends these amongst fellow leaders – aims for sustainable improvements that add value – considers ‘helping’ and ‘asking for help’ as the foundations for effective co-operation – sees employees as co-workers and enables them to explore and apply their talents – provides co-workers the information they need to perform well – seeks continuously the balance between organizational objectives and the interests of co-workers, customers and society.

Change is Natural for Some, and
a Struggle for Others. Move Together.

The idea of inclusive change is to involve the ‘whole system’ and have their voices included from the start. Not that every individual should be invited at every discussion; change enablers better be aware and informed about the multi-dimensional perception of change. The idea of inclusive change is that anybody in favor of the change can and should be a change enabler, having the extra energy to support others in their suffering. Kotter’s change model is not universal; the eight steps vary in pace and appearance for each individual. Using Cantor to categorize the audience in four archetypes not only devaluates human potential, it also turns the change program into a risky adventure. And to be honest, there is no such thing as positive change. The idea of inclusive change is that everybody involved in the change feels and stays included.

Betterness Practice #4

Inclusive Change


Don’t mind the Dutch language, just taste the inclusive ambiance and energy in this change preparation and activation summit. Click here.


Turn your managers into journalists and effectively Implement your strategic plan. Click for EN or NL example. Managers produced these!

Newspaper Events, AI Summits, Inclusive Change Design

Betterness Practice #5

Engaged Employees


STRENGHT WITHOUT FORCE: Irresistable Management Recipes with the Taste of Vertical Dialogue.
Click for NL full book or EN full text.


Download here the ultimate How Plan template, to create high engagement for your business strategy.

Constructive Team Meetings, Art of Hosting, The Circle Way, Sociocracy, Creative Communication

Only the Ones in Power can Transfer their Power

An organization’s existence depends highly on its strategy being shared. This means that, given realistic objectives, all managers and ideally all other employees can (literally) identify with the main activities to be carried out. In order to achieve this coherence, an open dialogue between the (management) echelons is the best way. A precondition for this, besides good preparation and guidance, is that managers during such dialogues relinquish their power to give free rein to opinions, ideas and meaning. Such a constructive conversation between policy producers and policy consumers, called Vertical Dialogue, enables trusted management and engaged employees.

The In-House Academy as Accelerator of
Sustainable Organizational Excellence

Does you organization have a training department? Congratulations, you’re having an in-house academy level one. You reach at level two when all employees are considered, proactively approached and monitored in their personal and functional development. An academy at level three has managed to integrate and align all company messages and communicate these through the best possible channels. At level four, your academy has become the smooth running engine of the learning organization. Growing through the four maturity levels of organizational learning requires constant cathedral thinking, co-creation and craftmanship. Building an in-house-academy is a positive business case whilst reaching excellent performance.

Betterness Practice #6

Learning Organization


Answer 16 questions for an expert view on how (mature) the learning is facilitated in your organization. Click for NL or EN.


Download the Profound Guidelines for Academy Builders (only in NL, contact me for EN consult).

Inspiration Sessions, Feasibility Studies, Academy Blueprints and Roadmaps, Training and Equipping your Academy-team

Betterness Practice #7

Organizational Generativity


Genarrative, Future Forming Practices 

for Building Better Legacies (2023)

The story of a five year research journey 

Go to book page.

Inspirational Talk,
Practitioner Workshops,
Genarrative Thinking Partner

Your Organization’s Capability
to Create It’s Own Future

As the catastrophic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic have made clear, organizational development (OD) is in urgent need of alternative pathways to the future. Organizational Generativity (OG) offers one such promising alternative. While much of OD practice and research are focused on enabling organizations to better prepare for an unknown future, OG accommodates new ways for organizations to proactively create their own future. Decades of OD experience and five years of intense research created clarity about how to understand and facilitate generative relational processes in organizations, and how they interact with the generativity of the whole organization.

For extended information and client projects overview, open this page on your PC

Clients and Projects